As a business owner, you understand precisely the opportunities an acquisition might bring for your company. But do you also have a clear view of the risks? How do you ensure that you’re not overpaying? And at which points in the negotiation process do you make concessions and where do you stand firm? With the support of Schuiteman M&A – Corporate Finance, you secure all the necessary financial and legal expertise to close a responsible deal. We also enjoy selecting suitable acquisition candidates.
Schuiteman M&A – Corporate Finance supports buyers with due diligence investigations, business valuations, and the review of transaction documentation. Additionally, we can be your strategic sparring partner or take a leading role in negotiations, particularly over sensitive issues or in complex cross-border transactions. For companies pursuing an active buy-and-build strategy, we also search for and select suitable acquisition candidates.
The acquisition team at Schuiteman M&A – Corporate Finance consists of professionals, among whom is Jan Louis Burggraaf. He has been at the negotiation table for the mergers between KLM-Air France and Ahold-Delhaize, as well as numerous acquisitions involving enterprise businesses and multinationals. With the multiple award-winning acquisition lawyer in the Netherlands on your team, you strengthen your position in negotiations and increase your chances of achieving an optimal deal.